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🌎 Where in the World?! Wednesday – July 7, 2021

  • 4 min read
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green trees near lake


Coming to you this week from πŸ“ Anchorage, AK

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Hi friends –

If there’s any downside to being a digital nomad so far… it’s this: finding yourself freezing (but still excited!) about being in the great frontiers of Alaska only to realize that you left your only good winter jackets behind in balmy Austin, TX…. whoops! Alas, the adventure continues πŸ™‚

This week, we’re coming to you from Anchorage. This city, as random as it may sound, has become an annual reflective destination for Midori and me especially on the heels of making any big life decisions. This year is no exception and we’re looking forward to being present and enjoying the untouched natural beauty of this incredible state. But what have we been up to? Read on!

πŸŽ’ Some quick updates and hidden corners of our website you may not know

  • If the intro didn’t do it justice, let us reiterate: Alaska is awesome. Especially for our readers in the Seattle area, don’t underestimate how precious (and easy) of a weekend destination AK can be. To help push you over the edge here’s a quick Anchorage food guide to get you started.
  • We’re often asked about how we pack for our various destinations. Some are hot, others cold. We work but we also leisure. What’s in our bag? Well, we don’t have a complete answer but our gear page on our site is a good start to get a sense of what we haul around and use on a semi-regular basis while still being ‘minimalist’ in our approach.


πŸ’³ Travel hacking tools for the pros

  • To know us is to talk credit to us (weird, I know). Midori and I have long leveraged credit card perks and signup bonuses to maximize our travel. What has us hyped as of late is this new app, MaxRewards, that helps us keep track of our spending bonus categories and maximize our rewards on everyday spending effortlessly. Fellow travel hackers, definitely check it out and use our link above to get a month of gold free (which enables auto-adding AMEX offers)!


🎬 Streaming, dreaming, and leaving us beaming πŸ™ƒ

  • Ok – hold your judgment for a second. We’re not usually ones to fall for cheap travel-themed shows that seem to be thrown together in the 11th hour to cater to a trend. And Netflix’s ‘The World’s Most Amazing Vacation Rentals’ would seem to fit the category… but it’s actually quite good. The hosts take an interesting approach to various categories of vacation rentals, focusing on one each of a unique, luxurious, and budget rental option per episode. Give it a shot and join us in feeling ready and inspired to go explore the world once we return to normalcy. P.S – start with the episode on boats to see some insane rentals ready for booking!


We owe you a dose of the truth. TBH, the past few weeks have been brutal for Midori and me at work. Writing these newsletters continue to be a great escape from the sometimes-grueling grind of work-life, and we can’t wait to spend more time on this kind of thing again, sharing the digital nomad experience with you all. Thanks for your patience and continued tutelage.

Share this newsletter with a friend if you think they may find something of value – we’d appreciate it!


🧸 Giving you all a big (virtual) grizzly bear hug from the Alaskan frontier,

Akaash (& Midori)

FYI – some of the links in this email, if used to purchase or signup for a service, may result in us earning a referral bonus. These small commissions help keep us on the road longerΒ – and we appreciate the support! ✈ We stand by all of our recommendations. Read our full disclosure here.