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Tips & Tricks: Daily Habits (morning to night)
Having strong daily habits that can be pillars to my morning routine has been critical to our lifestyle of constantly being on the move.
It’s a constant push and pull on our health and keeping up our wellness while balancing enjoying local foods, staying up to experience new events and meeting people. Enjoying food and drinks from places we visit is one of the main points of travel for us, and it can be hard to balance indulging at every new place we visit with having a healthy routine.
There are a few key points in our way we like to keep a routine to keep us happy and healthy on the road. After many months of experimenting, here is what has stuck so far.
Kick Start with Daily Habits
Fruit + Veggie Powder: We start our morning off with a greens powder which gives us a boost of supplements and the necessary servings of greens we need for the day. This is one of the most important things for us since we never know where the day may take us. We will typically buy from Costco Immunity Boost. We’ve also heard great things about Athletic Greens but have not tried it yet.
Coffee: Coffee has been a ritual for us in the mornings. After our green mix we will have black coffee typically from an Aeropress. We’ve found it’s the most portable and best tasting coffee while traveling!
Meditation: A solid ten minutes of meditation can totally change a day! We add this in as our days can sometimes be jammed packed with getting to a new destination, meetings, working and this helps us slow down and appreciate where we are. I use the Calm app and typically meditate with wireless headphones.
Journaling: I will write a mix of freeform and affirmations for our morning routine when journaling. We also love to look back on these to see how far we have come! Journaling is the main game changer for me when it has come to my wellness. I’m old-school and still love to journal with pen and paper.
Mid-Day Routine + Momentum
Daily Walk: We always aim to get our for a daily walk (or treadmill walk) for 15 minutes a day. Our friend recently also told us going out for a 10 minute walk after each meal is great for your health so we’ve been working on going this for shorter increments. We also love long walks and listening to podcasts so we look forward to this added exercise. It’s also important during your walk if it’s sunny to get your eyelids exposed to the natural sun for a few seconds. You’ll feel amazing afterwards!
Reading: Reading at least ten minutes a day helps keep us grounded. I typically will read in the morning and Akaash likes to read at night to wind down. I love to have a non-fiction business related book in the morning and at night a fiction and more light-hearted book. Because we’re tight on space (living in a suitcase, everything counts!) I have opted for a Kindle for all my book needs.
Supplements: We do take our fair share of additional supplements during the day depending on where we are. When we are lacking some sunshine, we will take Vitamin D3 + K2 and B-12 (liquid form for better absorption). We also are fairly regular about fish oil to keep our skin happy and healthy through all the climates. We also take Ginkgo Biloba and Rhodiola for brain health.
Evening Routine + Wind Down
Probiotics: After our last meal of the day, we typically have a probiotic. This helps keep our gut happy and healthy on the road! We also will buy kimchi and sauerkraut if we’re staying in a destination for a few days to add into our diet for a natural probiotic.
Herbal Tea (Peppermint or Chamomile): For a night time wind down, I love a good herbal tea. It helps sooth my stomach if I ate anything gnarly during the day and also is a signal for me it’s time for bed.
What other daily habits do you implement in your day to have a great day?! Let us know in the comments.
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