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5 misconceptions about life as a digital nomad

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Tips & Tricks: Digital Nomad Lifestyle

We’re discussing 5 major misconceptions of being a digital nomad. Do you want to traveling full-time but keep making excuses not to? Are you wondering if being a digital nomad is legit? Keep reading to learn more about the digital nomad lifestyle and what we thing are 5 major misconceptions.

Misconception 1: It’s too expensive to be a digital nomad.

Would you believe me if I told you we actually spend LESS money while living on the road that at home? You tend to be more budget conscious and look into your spending more often than typically at home. We also got rid of a huge expense (RENT!) while on the road and can find a location that fits your budget.

Misconception 2: You’re on a long-term vacation.

While on social media it may LOOK like we’re always on vacation or eating out somewhere. But most of the time all of the fun happens on the weekend. The majority of our days are spent behind our laptops working our 9 to 5 jobs. However, we do love the extra variety of being in a new location for our daily walks or weekly date nights.

Misconception 3: You have to quit your current job.

COVID-19 has totally changed the game for remote work. Most people who work in tech related companies or in fields that do not require a physical presence (i.e. Marketing) are offering remote working opportunities. Try filtering on LinkedIn for “Remote” work roles and you will be surprised with what you find! Remote work isn’t always easy (as we discuss in our 3 annoyances of working remotely blog post…) but in our opinion provides greater flexibility.

Misconception 4: It’s always fun being a digital nomad.

Just like life at home, there are rough times with all the fun that comes with travel. There are long days at work with time differences or early/late meetings. Sometimes we have evenings where we just have simple dinners at home (is cereal for dinner still allowed??). Friday or Saturday nights may be spent catching up on work, working on personal projects and staying in. In the end, it’s all worth it to be able to have little moments of spontaneity and exploring a new city.

Misconception 5: Digital nomads only live internationally. 

These days, it seems the term “digital nomad” is no longer just for there stereotype of Americans who travel to other countries and live/work working remotely. Recently, Zillow and Yelp teamed up to form the top 10 locations for digital nomads in the US. A few of our favorite cities in the US made the list including Boise (here’s why we think Boise is seriously underrated), Austin, Nashville and more.

What are other misconceptions you’ve heard about being a digital nomad? We hope we helped debunk any myths that are stopping you from living the digital nomad life!

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