Where in the World?! Newsletter
September 7, 2022
San Francisco ✈️ Seattle, WA
Our Where In The World?! newsletter series gives our subscribers a first look at what we have been up to. If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, we invite you to do so here so you never miss an update.
Newsletter Update
Hi friends –
What a week! We just got back from the Bay Area celebrating a beautiful weekend with friends. A huge congratulations to @onkursen and @itsmenikkideee for pulling off a splendid wedding spanning 3 days and 4 venues – the planning, logistics, and attention to detail were on point.
And to all of our friends in the Bay, thanks for reminding us how much we miss you during travel. It was a treat to spend time with the few we could, and look forward to catching up with all the rest soon!
Besides flying, dancing, eating, and reconnecting… what else has been going on?
😎 One to reminisce and one to look ahead ~
- This past weekend was full of rich conversations, and nearly every one involved some version of: “Tell us about your favorite spots in Europe!”… To which, we inevitably smile and dive into a full-fledged (borderline sales-y) pitch for Estonia. Seriously, we love Estonia. And in honor of our fond memories there from just a few months ago, I wrote a fanboy post about Tallinn, its technology scene, and our coworking experience in the city’s creative center: Telliskivi. Check it out and definitely let us know if it inspires an Estonia trip of your own!
- Next week, we’re headed to NYC. It’s a city we’ve been to many times, but somehow each trip reveals a different side of the city. So this time, we want to try something new: crowdsourcing recommendations that others can use for their future NYC trips, too. If you’ve got a favorite food joint, site, museum, or corner of the city, “join as EDITOR” and add it to our NYC map here. We’ll make this link open to the entire M&A community so others can use it on their future NY trips!
🔗Two links for you to get in touch with South Asian culture ~
- South Asian wedding == lots of Bollywood music & dance == me feeling very nostalgic about Indian music, movies, and more. So if you have any interest in Bollywood music (I’m looking at all of you, closeted Indian Matchmaking fans), I’m putting a renewed effort into my Prime Hindi Spotify playlist, which should capture a few decades of legendary Indian music. Give it a follow and know that every additional follower makes us less nervous about a multi-lingual dance floor at our own future parties 🙃
- Alas, what showcases global culture better than reality TV? Not much! So in that vain, Midori and I are diving into a freshly recommended show, Family Karma, chronicling multiple generations of Indian families who’ve relocated to Miami. This show is already on the edge of my comfort zone (definitely not Midori’s) but I’m committed to giving it a shot… because it may foreshadow our future?? 😜 If you’re game, join us in this binge!
📱 Two apps that have helped us reacclimate to domestic travel despite being nomads ~
- Ask two nomads who packed (in one suitcase) for 20 degree F weather in Estonia and 95 degree F weather in Istanbul to attend a formal-attire event in America, and what do you get?… disaster. Thankfully, technology saved the day. For those who haven’t tried Stitch Fix (referral), it has really helped out with getting a small wardrobe for ourselves back in order. Midori, in particular, has loved working with her stylist to get outfits for important business meetings and dressy social events curated, styled, and shipped to our doorstep to save her the hassle of having to shop. If you haven’t tried it, it just might be your speed!
- As mentioned before, we’re headed to NYC next week. What I might miss most about being stable in Seattle is going to the gym regularly (no LA Fitness in Manhattan!). Instead of shelling out an expensive membership fee for a 1-week pass at a local gym (I checked… it’s $150/week!), we’re rekindling our love for ClassPass (referral – also, 1 month free!). We should be able to spend our precious credits across a sprinkling of fitness studios and gyms in the Manhattan area. Not only will we get a few workouts in, but we also get to pretend to be health-conscious New Yorkers walking with a purpose through the streets of the Big Apple 😂
We’ve got some fun changes coming up in the next few weeks – to the newsletter and to our nomadic lives. Stay tuned and, as always, thanks for following along!
🤺 Bravely chasing new pursuits like Kim Kardashian chases private equity,
Akaash (& Midori)
FYI - some of the links in this email, if used to purchase or signup for a service, may result in us earning a referral bonus. These small commissions help keep us on the road longer - and we appreciate the support!We stand by all of our recommendations. Read our full disclosure here.